Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bet's Sunday morning

Pagi2 lagi betty dah bising, mintak makan...lepas makan, terus lari sana, lari sini..dah penat, mintak di belai..di tepuk2, alahai betty..

Betty's now is 2 years plus...a mix of persian and kucing kg m'sia..hehee, so she's very active sampai kami tak terlayan dibuatnye..she's getting bigger, janji sihat, thanks to Royal Canin. Apa laa yg sedap sgt Royal Canin tu, bila abis, she's asking for more.. yg lemau tak nak tau!! very demanding..kalau minum air Betty akan tarik the bowl with her feet just to have a better access agaknye.. so irrelevant, tapi style dia laa kan..:)

Tadi, she just lepak dpn sliding door, takut nak keluar, takut ade "abg oren" kat luar yg tak jemu2 persue Betty, ala2 hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong2..Talk to the hand la "abg oren", Betty tak hingin kat u, tak hensem kata Betty..

Always wonder why Betty likes being pat at the back???


  1. hmm teringin tengok Betty lawan si Baby!!hehehe..grrr!!!!!

  2. hahaha.. sure baby menaNG!! but now we are plannIng to send Betty for taekwandO Class.. 4 times a month, 3 hours per class... hahaha anybody interested to send ur pet??

  3. takyah susah anto taekwondo...anto je ke rumah aku,modalnya suratkhabar jer...sampai koyak rabak dia buat,heheh...
